Author: Rafael Fernandez (Rafael Fernandez)

Home Rafael Fernandez

Ruinance, Responsibility, and Khōra

Rafael FernándezTexas A&M University   Volume 16, 2024 In this paper, I think through Alberto Moreiras’ elaboration of Philippe Lynes’s idea of a Heideggerian general ecology, focusing first on the concept of “ruinance” as elaborated on by Martin Heidegger in his 1921-22 lecture course, Phenomenological Interpretations of Aristotle. In the first section, I reflect on...


Introduction: Deconstruction Contra Fascist Mythologies

James Martell & Tyler M. Williams Volume 16, 2024 The essays collected in this special issue of Política Común do not pretend to encapsulate its topic completely. Rather, they serve as openings and invitations to consider for our era the relevance of deconstruction (broadly construed) to critiques of rising tides of fascism. Much work has...


Myths between Freud and Lacan: an Investigation of Bolsonaro’s Ideological Rise

Rodrigo GonsalvesUniversidade de São Paulo Volume 16, 2024 Introduction In recent times, Brazilian politics has been dangerously flirting with repeating its own past: the reestablishment of a renewed military dictatorship. In the 2018 Brazilian presidential elections, a far-right populist was democratically elected. The 2018 Brazilian presidential elections saw a dramatic rise in far-right populist rhetoric....


Deconstructing Fascist Mythologies

Sergio Villalobos-RuminottUniversity of Michigan Volume 16, 2024 I believe, I truly believe, that true fascism is what sociologists have naively called “the consumer society”. A definition that seems harmless, purely indicative. But no. If one observes reality well, and above all if one knows how to read the objects, the landscape, the urban planning and,...


“Auntie”-Fascism between Gertrude Stein and Jacques Derrida

Ryan TracyKnox College Volume 16, 2024 We liked the fascists. Gertrude Stein, Everybody’s Autobiography We liked the fascists. Thus spoke Gertrude Stein (1874–1946) on the pages of Everybody’s Autobiography (1937), the follow-up to the bestselling The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933). Can we forgive such a phrase, appearing, as it does, under Gertrude Stein’s...


Como Banano de Rechazo

Paula CucurellaUniversity of California Volume 16, 2024 I Mi título está tomado de una analogía en Cien años de soledad. La primera vez que leí la novela, décadas atrás, no recuerdo haber reparado en la escena donde aparece esta analogía. Y ahora, después de haber leído el libro nuevamente, todo mi interés parece despegar de...


“In the blaze of the events.” Reading George Bataille’s Missed Book—Le Fascisme en France.

Francesco VitaleUniversity of Salerno  Volume 16, 2024 Between 1933 and 1934 Georges Bataille planned to write a book, Le fascisme en France (Fascism in France). Bataille did not carry out his project but some traces of it are preserved, published in the second volume of the Oeuvres complètes, in which are collected unpublished writings dating...


Ruinance and General Ecology  

Alberto MoreirasTexas A&M University   Volume 16, 2024 I I am not going to talk directly about Gaia or the khora.  In preparing for this panel something preliminary, hence more urgent, came to mind, and it happened as I read Phil Lynes’ book, which I will mention in a minute.  Hence my change of title....


The Gift of Gender: Ivan Illich, Feminism, Infrapolitics

Gabriela MéndezUniversidad Iberoamericana Volume 15, 2024 Let us now begin with: how am I to listen to you? Irigaray, I Love to You 115 With the aim of exploring the relevance of Ivan Illich’s thinking for infrapolitical reflection, this article focuses on his book Gender (1982) and what it suggests about feminism today, at a...