Volume 9 (2016)

Home » Volume 9 (2016)

Psychoanalysis and the Political. Coordinated by Diego Ferrante, Università di Salerno (2016)

The Scene of Politics in an Atonal World: Hegemony, Contagion, Spectrality

Laura Bazzicalupo

Laclau with Freud, or the Path Towards Psychoanalysis as General Ontology

Paula Biglieri & Gloria Perelló

Phantasmagoria of the Thing: Aporias of the New Capitalist Discourse

Federico Chicchi

Infrapolitical Action: The Truth of Democracy at the End of General Equivalence

Alberto Moreiras

What Politics for Psychoanalysis?

Bruno Moroncini

The Semblant and the Act

Rado Riha

Is There a Politics in Psychoanalysis?

Jelica Sumic

Of Failed Retreats: Postcolonial Theory and Post-Testimonial Narrative in Central American Writing

Abraham Acosta

What Can the Human Sciences Say about Freedom Today?

Paul A. Kottman

From Fanon to the Postcolonials: For a Strategic and Political Use of Identities

Sandro Luce

Democratic Politics and Conflict: An Agonistic Approach

Chantal Mouffe

Deleuze extraviado en Norteamérica: rumbos y destinos

Alejandro Sánchez Lopera

Political Subjectivations: Between Freedom and Dependency

Antonio Tucci