Volume 5 (2014)

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Carl Schmitt and the Early Modern World. Coordinated by John D. Blanco (UC San Diego) & Ivonne del Valle (UC Berkeley) (2014)

Reorienting Schmitt’s Nomos: Political Theology, and Colonial (and Other) Exceptions in the Creation of Modern and Global Worlds

Blanco, John D.; del Valle, Ivonne

Francisco de Vitoria, Carl Schmitt, and Originary Technicity

Bentancor, Orlando

Primitive Spiritual Accumulation and the Colonial Extraction Economy

Nemser, Daniel

From Lines to Networks: Carl Schmitt’s Nomos in Africa

More, Anna

The Return of the Pirate: Post-colonial Trajectories in the History of International Law

Policante, Amedeo

De-centering Carl Schmitt: Colonial State of Exception and the Criminalization of the Political in British India, 1905-1920

Pincince, John

Schmitt and Foucault on the Question of Sovereignty under Military Occupation

Shimabuku, Annmaria

Nomadism and Just War in Fray Guillermo de Santa María’s Guerra de los Chichimecas (México 1575 – Zirosto 1580)

Sánchez-Godoy, Rubén A.

La simultaneidad en la historia global

Rabasa, José

Preface to The Planetary Tension Between Orient and Occident and the Opposition Between Land and Sea: reorderings and reorientations

Blanco, John D.

The Planetary Tension Between Orient and Occident and the Opposition Between Land and Sea

Schmitt, Carl

Alessandro Fornazzari, Speculative Fictions: Chilean Culture, Economics, and the Neoliberal Transition. Pittsburgh UP, 2013, 158 pages

Beverinotti, Matías

Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado, Intermitencias americanistas. Estudios y ensayos escogidos (2004-2010). UNAM, México, 2012, 347 pages

Ángeles, Francisco