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With Volume 15, the Executive Editors and Editorial Board welcome you to the Second Epoch of Política común, now re-titled Política común: A Journal for Thought.

Política común: A Journal for Thought is a venue for critical thinking that is committed to reevaluating the history and theory of the social bond by moving beyond the standard elements of the academic field.  We aspire to be a publication of reference in contemporary thought with a capacious interest in addressing issues such as market-driven social domination, global inequality, posthumanities reflection, ecological transition, increasing mass diasporic movements, artificial intelligence, data mining and surveillance economics, and the challenges and constraints of political and infrapolitical existence.  Our mission is however not limited to or determined entirely by those areas of interest and concern.  We welcome contributions that might inspire debate and conversation on contemporary critical theory in the wake of Marxian and Nietzschean thought. 

The original impulse for Política común took shape in the aftermath of the colloquium Por una teoría crítica en castellano: pensamiento, lenguaje, digitalidad, which was convened in Mexico City by 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos in early January 2009. The initiative first took shape as a digital platform sponsored by 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos (Mexico), the University of Salerno (Italy) and the University of Aberdeen (Scotland). Its pre-history was shaped by discussions on the relation between critical thought and psychoanalysis, cultural and academic production, the place of different languages in contemporary intellectual endeavors, and the dilemmas posed by today’s fast-evolving editorial devices and circuits,  During this initial period the project’s exchanges occurred in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. The project’s second phase consisted in establishing a Journal of Thought to be published in Spanish and English, simultaneously on-line and off-, with the continued sponsorship of the aforementioned institutions plus Texas A&M University. However, the challenges of international distribution in paper led to experiments with two different digital formats: the e-book and the on-line academic journal which has now become standard. Having opted for the latter format, Política común: A Journal of Thought shifted its production and publication operations (including the three original issues) to the University of Michigan, and Volumes 4 to 14 have since been published thanks to the infrastructure provided by the University of Michigan Press. Having decided to move to a WordPress platform, Política común: A Journal for Thought presently claims no university involvement in its operations. The journal continues to be open access.

The Executive Editors and Editorial Board are happy to accept submissions in English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, or in any other language provided a translation into any of our primary languages is made available. Submissions will be doubly peer-reviewed by members of our Editorial Board.  Authors retain the copyright and agree to make their work available under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY).

Please feel free to send us your submission. We would be delighted to hear your thoughts regarding future issues of the journal. If you would like to suggest a topic for a dossier or future issue of Política común: A Journal for Thought, you should contact the Executive Editors or any member of the Editorial Board.