Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)

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Giacomo Marramao’s Topological Folds: On Reading The Passage West

Teresa M. VilarósTexas A&M University Volume 8, 2015 There is an evident topological quality in The Passage West, Giacomo Marramao’s excellent reading of the processes and dynamics of globalization. Already from the title, Marramao draws our attention to the existence of possible directions, routes, and pathways. Even the front cover of the English edition, José de Ribera’s...


Political Subjectivations: Between Freedom and Dependency

Antonio TucciUniversità di Salerno Volume 9, 2016 In this essay I intend to focus on different forms of political subjectivation within the context of neoliberal governmentality. I would like to show how these forms ‘constitute’ themselves ambivalently, indicating a paradoxical and unprecedented compatibility of dispositifs of inclusion and exclusion, the foundation of which refers to the...


Deleuze extraviado en Norteamérica: rumbos y destinos

Alejandro Sánchez LoperaUniversidad el Bosque Volume 9, 2016 La filosofía de Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995) ha sido asociada, en diversas ocasiones y a ambos lados del Atlántico, con la exaltación vitalista del deseo. Especialmente molesto para determinadas lecturas marxistas, aquí y allá el trabajo de Deleuze ha sido vinculado incluso con el despliegue de las formas contemporáneas...


Democratic Politics and Conflict: An Agonistic Approach

Chantal MouffeUniversity of Westminster Volume 9, 2016 How should democratic politics deal with conflict? This is the question that is at the core of my reflection on ‘the political’ and that I will address in this essay. I will begin by delineating the general framework of my approach, whose theoretical bases have been elaborated in Hegemony and...


What Can the Human Sciences Say about Freedom Today?

Paul A. KottmanThe New School for Research Volume 9, 2016 At a certain level of experience and self-awareness, questions like the following typically arise — What am I doing with her? What is he doing with me? What are we doing together? It seems safe to say that questions like these are voiced not only by philosophers or...


Of Failed Retreats: Postcolonial Theory and Post-Testimonial Narrative in Central American Writing

Abraham AcostaUniversity of Arizona Volume 9, 2016 The debates relating to the emergence of postcolonial theory and testimonio in Latin America took place along near simultaneous times between the 1980s and the early 2000s.[1] In many ways, these debates have had a lasting, productive impact on the terms and conditions for contemporary latinamericanist inquiry, as it opened...


Raum and Rome: The Phonetics of the Word Raum. [1]

translated from the original german by: James L. KelleyIndependent scholar Volume 14, 2020 The word Raum (Space) is an instance of language that turns out to be Ur-language. It is an Ur-word and thus a part of the Ur-language.[2] Etymological elucidations of an Ur-word are based upon connections and references of uneven evidential value. The compelling and the...


Idiom, Transmission, and Dance in Geschlecht III

Michael PortalTexas a&m university Volume 14, 2019 In reading Geschlecht III, one cannot help but imagine Jacques Derrida speaking before a weary audience, an audience exhausted by the many hours already spent (and still left to be spent) discussing Martin Heidegger’s reading of Georg Trakl’s poetry.[1] As Derrida remarks, “I can imagine the impatience of some, not only...


Reading Derrida Reading Life (Reading Life) from La vie la mort to the Geschlecht Series

Armando MastrogiovanniBaruch college, city university of new york Volume 14, 2016 Geschlecht and Life I will leave this word in its own language for reasons that should impose themselves on us in the course of the reading. And it is certainly a matter of “Geschlecht” (the word for sex, race, family, generation, lineage, species, genre), and not of Geschlecht as...