Category: Volume 14

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Reading Derrida Reading Life (Reading Life) from La vie la mort to the Geschlecht Series

Armando MastrogiovanniBaruch college, city university of new york Volume 14, 2016 Geschlecht and Life I will leave this word in its own language for reasons that should impose themselves on us in the course of the reading. And it is certainly a matter of “Geschlecht” (the word for sex, race, family, generation, lineage, species, genre), and not of Geschlecht as...


Dirty Cosmopolitanism: Geschlecht III and the Enigma of the Black Box

Sergio Villalobos-Ruminottuniversity of michigan Volume 14, 2020 The present elucidations do not claim to be contributions to research in the history of literature or to aesthetics. They spring from a necessity of thought. Martin Heidegger, Elucidations of Hölderlin’s Poetry (1971). D’autre part ce privilège absolu d’un lieu et d’une langue est ici implicitement reconnu non seulement au Dichten, au Gedicht mais au Denken,...


Heidegger’s Philosophical Nationalism: Topology and Tropology

Maddalena CerratoTexas a&m university Volume 14, 2020 To Ashley, Hannah, and Sarah The question about nationalism seems always inclined to prompt a certain philosophical prudery, as well as its flip side, i.e. a sort of transgressive fascination. There seems to be something incredibly trivial and philosophically shallow about the question of nationalism. Anything other than political...


Heidegger’s Obliteration of Place: Reading “Language in the Poem”

Brian IrwinJohn Jay college of criminal justice-cuny Volume 14, 2020 In a certain criticism of Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas adopts a slightly mocking stance toward the Heideggerian themes of place, rootedness, world, and belonging: “To rediscover the world means to rediscover a childhood mysteriously snuggled up inside the Place, to open up to the light of great...


“Another Topology for New Tasks” (Derrida, Of Spirit 132-33): Derrida on Heidegger on Trakl. Zusage.

Alberto MoreirasTexas a&m university Volume 14, 2020 There will not be a unique name, not even the word being. And one will have to think of this word without nostalgia, which is to say, outside the myth of a purely maternal or purely paternal language, of the lost fatherland of thought. Jacques Derrida, Marges 29 Je crois qu’il y a...


Count Heidegger

David Mullinsbrown university Volume 14, 2020 Perhaps this strict professor was madder than he seemed. Gilles Deleuze on Heidegger, What is Philosophy? 109 dementsprechendappropriate; accordingly; correspondingly dement sprechend senile lit. speaking; convincing <example, evidence>; expressive <face, eyes>; eloquent <facial expression, glance, portrayal; descriptive <name>[1] Whatever differences surely hold between them, Martin Heidegger’s chosen objects of study all...


The Promise of Pain: (Di)spiriting the Geist of Heidegger’s Trakl

Ian Alexander Moorest.john’s college Volume 14, 2020 Agnosco veteris vestigia flammae. Dido, in Virgil’s Aeneid Spiritus ubi vult spirat et vocem eius audis sed non scis unde veniat et quo vadat.der geist geistet wo er wil. du hörest sin stÿme. du enweist aber nit wenn er komet. oder war erfert. John 3:8, in the Vulgate and...


Introduction: Geschlecht III and the Problem of ‘National-Humanism’

Rodrigo Therezoalbert-ludwigs-universität freiburg Adam R. Rosenthaltexas a&m university Volume 14, 2020 This special issue of Política común gathers most of the papers given at a conference devoted to Jacques Derrida’s newly discovered and recently published Geschlecht III: Sex, Race, Nation, Humanity. Organized by Adam R. Rosenthal and sponsored by the Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research, the...