Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)

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Reseña de La maleta mexicana, dir. Trisha Ziff, 2011, 96 minutos Notas extraviadas sobre La maleta mexicana

Jesús Mario LozanoCineasta * editing and publication by 17, instituto de estudios críticos Volume 3, 2012 Quien pretenda recordar ha deentregarse al olvido, a ese peligro quees el olvido absoluto y a ese hermosoazar en el que se transforma entoncesel recuerdo. —Maurice Blanchot[1] Sólo alcanzarán esta sustancia, estadensidad transparente, aquellos quesepan convertir su testimonio en unobjeto...


Hegemony versus Populism

Geminello PreterossiUniversità degli studi di Salernotranslated from the italian by michela russo * editing and publication by 17, instituto de estudios críticos Volume 3, 2012 ‘Hegemony’[1] is a term-concept that has a rich history of political and cultural effects. Nevertheless, this history might seem to be, in some respects, quite distant from us, that is, stored away...


Political Representation after its Deconstruction

Laura BazzicalupoUniversità degli studi di Salernotranslated from the italian by michela russo * editing and publication by 17, instituto de estudios críticos Volume 3, 2012 1. The representation of order and the political possibility of dis-ordinance[1] What happens when the crisis of representativeness/representation [rappresentanza / rappresentazione][2] reaches a stage of dissolution to such an extent that it...


The Discontent of Democracy [1]

Carlo GalliUniversità di Bologna translated from the italian by andrea ciasca * editing and publication by 17, instituto de estudios críticos Volume 3, 2012 We are witnessing a discontent of democracy. It is not the discontent –the refusal, in reality– that feeds the rich current of thought ‘against’ democracy developed throughout the history of Western civilization,[2] nor...


Community, Immunity, Biopolitics

Roberto EspositoIstituto italiano di scienze umane translated from the italian by michela russo * editing and publication by 17, instituto de estudios críticos Volume 3, 2012 1. Community, immunity, biopolitics. What is the relationship between these three terms, around which my work has been articulated in recent years? Is it possible to connect them in a...


Manifesting the Internet: A Review of Dmytri Kleiner’s The Telekommunist Manifesto [1]

Zac ZimmerVirginia polytechnic institute and state university Volume 4, 2013 The introduction of new media […] is never entirely revolutionary: new media are less points of epistemic rupture than they are socially embedded sites for the ongoing negotiation of meaning as such. —Lisa Gitelman, Always Already New At the heart of any debate regarding the structure and...


Bruno Bosteels,The Actuality of Communism, Verso, 2011, 304 pages

Joshua CloverUniversity of California, Davis Volume 4, 2013 Bruno Bosteels’ estimably lucid assessment of recent communist thought (“the idea of communism” or “the communist hypothesis”, depending on the landmark volume, conference, or Verso series taken as touchstone) opens with a reminder of the most incisive definition on offer, from The German Ideology: “We call communism the real movement which...


Representación y Cinismo después del 11 de septiembre

Sergio RojasUniversidad de Chile Volume 4, 2013 En su artículo “El latinoamericanismo después de 9/11” (2010) John Beverley se pregunta: “¿cuál es la relación entre los estudios subalternos y un nuevo latinoamericanismo, capaz de enfrentar la hegemonía norteamericana y desarrollar las posibilidades latentes de sus pueblos?” (99). A esta interrogante necesitamos contraponer la cuestión acerca de...


Nation, People and Politics in the Perspective of their Becoming

Horacio LegrásUniversity of California, Irvine Volume 4, 2013 Latinamericanism after 9/11 is a provocative, far- reaching and fascinating book. In responding to it, I was first inclined to select a single chapter or a well-defined problem only to find my argument spilling over into other areas of the book. I decided finally to confront some aspects of...


Deconstruction and Latinamericanism, Reconsidered (A Propos John Beverley’s Latinamericanism after 9/11)

Kate JenckesUniversity of Michigan Volume 4, 2013 John Beverley’s Latinamericanism after 9/11 (Duke UP 2011) is a provocative account of some of the primary tendencies of how Latin America has been thought over the past decade. Its method is cartographic, in both the good and bad senses of the word. The book aims to create a map that...