Category: Volume 12

Home Volume 12

Raúl Ruiz: Imagen Estilema [1]

Willy ThayerUniversidad Metropolitana de las Ciencias de la Educación Volume 12, 2017 No el pasado sino sus imágenes es lo que nos domina. (Chris Marker)[2] Desde que comenzamos y a medida que nos internamos en la vida nos vamos cargando de automatismos (…) muchas cosas sorprendentes se van volviendo triviales (…) la industria cinematográfica tal como...


Ideología de la Deuda y Populismo de la Memoria: Conjeturas en torno a la Democracia Argentina

Jorge Foa TorresUniversidad Nacional de Villa Maria Volume 12, 2017 Introducción Desde un posicionamiento posmarxista este artículo se propone desarrollar ciertas nociones lacanianas y, a partir de ello, proponer ciertas conjeturas en torno a los procesos políticos recientes en Argentina.[1] Específicamente, en el marco de los actuales debates teóricos que se desenvuelven en Latinoamérica y Europa en...


El Anarcorrepublicanismo marrano de Karl Marx

Eugenio Muinelo PazUniversidad Completense de Madrid Volume 12, 2017 La realización de la filosofía: un nuevo pensamiento          In der Praxis muss der Mensch die Wahrheit […] beweisen.         Karl Marx, II Tesis sobre Feuerbach La especificidad filosófica del pensamiento de Marx, en meridiano contraste con la profusa tipología de vulgatas marxistas, no resulta prima facie evidente. Es escurridiza, ambivalente y esquiva...



Geoffrey BenningtonEmory University Volume 12, 2017 I am humbled and honored by all these responses to my book Scatter I: it is already a gift to be read carefully and generously by any reader, and to have several such readings here is a blessing I have never experienced before. So my overwhelming reaction to these readings is...


The Resistance to Scattering in Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1

Brett LevinsonBinghamton University Volume 12, 2017 A minimal definition of theory would include the project’s challenge to the foundation of humanism, namely, human being: the sovereign subject or the I. Theory, therefore, has clearly failed to intervene into University research, whether it itself be responsible for the failure or not. In fact, never has the I...


Passive Decision

Sergio Villalobos-RuminottUniversity of Michigan Volume 12, 2017 I want to begin by stating the relevance of Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1. The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, and Derrida, a book not only remarkable in its articulation, rigor, and deep engagement with contemporary post-Heideggerian philosophy, but also a book that has as one of its many merits the...


Some Notes Toward the Dignity of this Pipe (which is not one)

Adam R. RosenthalTexas A&M University Volume 12, 2017 In his analysis of the logic—but also the trepidation surrounding—the figure of “dignity” in Derrida’s work, Geoffrey Bennington presents a compelling picture of what we could think of as the shift of emphasis from Derrida’s “early” to “late” writings. Such a shift would not, as he shows, mark...


The Politics of Philosophy: On Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1

Maddalena CerratoTexas A&M University Volume 12, 2017 Good books in a technical sense are those books that talk to you in a way that triggers a powerful mixture of projections and magical thinking. They make you feel that what you are reading addresses your very own thinking. That is to say – if you allow me to play...


Is There an Infrapolitical Dignity Worthy of the Name? Geoffrey Bennington, Scatter 1: The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger and Derrida. Fordham University Press, 2016.

Gareth WilliamsUniversity of Michigan Volume 12, 2017 My presentation is framed as a question, but is simply an attempt to think alongside scatter, with no definitive response to the question itself. Via the “politics of politics” in Foucault, Heidegger and Derrida, Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1 posits a thinking not of the political per se, but of a certain...


A ‘Decision’ for Existence. Infrapolitics and the Politics of Politics. On Geoffrey Bennington’s Scatter 1. The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, Derrida.

Alberto MoreirasTexas A&M University Volume 12, 2017 Geoffrey Bennington tells us or has been telling us all along in Scatter 1 that its continuation, “Scatter 2,” will be a book about “democracy.” And then, at the end of Scatter 1, Bennington says that a book on democracy is or will be also a book about “the future of deconstruction.”...