Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)

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Politics Against Ethics

Erin Graff ZivinUniversity of Southern California Volume 4, 2013 Politics begins with a major wrong: the gap created by the empty freedom of the people between the arithmetical order and the geometric order. […] It is the introduction of an incommensurable at the heart of the distribution of speaking bodies. This incommensurable breaks not only with...


Critique of Critique

Patrick DoveIndiana University Volume 4, 2013 John Beverley’s Latinamericanism after 9/11 seeks to reposition the field of Latin American Studies in response to what he views as a new historical conjuncture associated with the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Whereas in the US and Europe the impact of 9/11 is perceived mainly through the refocusing of foreign policy...


On Latinamericanism after 9/11

Adriana Michele Campos JohnsonUniversity of California, Irvine Volume 4, 2013 The politics of dis-appointment slip into the breach following from the slippages and failings of a Politics of Hope. Dis-appointment concerns the refusals precisely of appointments positivistically (etymologically) understood. — David Theo Goldberg, “Epistemologies of Deception” John Beverley’s Latinamericanism after 9/11 is invaluable in its proposal to map...


Prospero’s Book

Jon Beasley-MurrayUniversity of British Columbia Volume 4, 2013 Gentle breath of yours my sailsMust fill, or else my project fails. — William Shakespeare, The Tempest John Beverley presents himself as the grand old man of Latin American cultural studies. And with reason. He was there at the outset in the early 1990s, and has figured in almost...


Introduction: My Only Latin Americanism

Samuel SteinbergUniversity of Southern California Volume 4, 2013 For the generation to which I belong, there is only Latin Americanism after 9/11. We have only walked its divided path, lived in the shadow of its faded alliances, and known the track of its “career” by lumbering through its ruins (both the ruins of a previous Latin...


Disenso en La Comunidad de Álex de la Iglesia

Mónica López LermaUniversity of Helsinki Volume 4, 2013 Disenso significa una organización de lo sensible en la que no hay realidad oculta bajo las apariencias, ni régimen único de presentación y de interpretación de lo dado que imponga a todos su evidencia. Por eso, toda situación es susceptible de ser hendida en su interior, reconfigurada bajo...


Nonrelation and Untimeliness in Jacques Rancière’s The Names of History [1]

Brian WhitenerUniversity of Michigan Volume 4, 2013 What historicity means: the constitution of a framework of free words and free things that give a skeleton to the century that “unites” vertebrae. —Jacques Rancière, The Flesh of Words As the full spectrum of Jacques Rancière’s work has almost been completely translated into English, two critiques of his work...


El procedimiento-Rancière

Sergio Villalobos-RuminottUniversity of Arkansas Volume 4, 2013 Si la tradición crítica suele fracasar respecto a su vocación, es porque siempre ha intentado que su objeto confiese. —Jacques Rancière, “Los hombres como animales literarios” 1. En un famoso intercambio sobre los intelectuales y el poder ocurrido en el año 1972, Michel Foucault le comentaba a Gilles Deleuze...


In What Time Do We Live? [1]

Jacques RancièreEuropean Graduate School Volume 4, 2013 I have been asked to speak in the framework of a series entitled “The State of Things”. Such a title suggests a preliminary remark. Strictly speaking, the state of things is a fiction. A fiction is not an imaginary tale. A fiction is the construction of a set of...


Ignacio M. Sánchez Prado, Intermitencias americanistas. Estudios y ensayos escogidos (2004-2010). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México DF, 2012, 347 pages.

Francisco ÁngelesUniversity of Pennsylvania Volume 5, 2014 En la breve nota que antecede a los doce artículos que componen este volumen, publicados previamente entre 2004 y 2010, el autor explica que decidió utilizar la palabra “intermitencias” en el título por dos razones: uno, porque los ensayos reflejan “la esporádica discusión de estos temas en la crítica...