Orlando BentancorBarnard College Volume 5, 2014 Carlo Galli as Reader of Schmitt In this paper I take as a point of departure how Schmitt’s Eurocentric conception of modernity is based on a notion of nomos that separates Europe from its external frontier and designates the latter as an “empty space,” a concept that is then introjected into Europe...
Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)
Reorienting Schmitt’s Nomos: Political Theology, and Colonial (and Other) Exceptions in the Creation of Modern and Global Worlds [1]
John D. BlancoUniversity of California, San Diego Ivonne del ValleUniversity of California, Berkeley Volume 5, 2014 It should never be forgotten that while colonization, with its techniques and its political and juridical weapons, obviously transported European models to other continents, it also had considerable boomerang effect on the mechanisms of power in the West, and on...
Review of Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott. Heterografías de la violencia: historia nihilismo destrucción. Buenos Aires: La Cebra, 2016.
Gerardo MuñozPrinceton University Volume 11, 2017 Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott’s Heterografías de la violencia: historia nihilismo destrucción (La Cebra, 2016) is, at first sight, an assorted compilation of fifteen programmatic essays. Mostly written within the last decade and as context-specific critical interventions within the field of Latin American cultural studies, these texts attend to a wide range of theoretical...
Ontoteología, economía de la presencia y lógica del gobierno: Una lectura de Reiner Schürmann
Gonzalo Díaz LetelierUniversidad de Santiago de Chile Volume 11, 2017 Preámbulo Una praxis teórica al uso hoy, con variantes de acuerdo a sus lugares de enunciación, se expresa como un cierto conatus orientado al desmantelamiento de la metafísica política que, como estructuración hegemónico-sacrificial de la historia, articula una variedad de máquinas soberano-gubernamentales, tanto de derechas como de izquierdas....
Anarchy as the Closure of Metaphysics: Historicity and Deconstruction in the Work of Reiner Schürmann
Sergio Villalobos-RuminottUniversity of Michigan Volume 11, 2017 I The work of Reiner Schürmann has become increasingly relevant for contemporary thought as it attempts to problematize western metaphysics from a Heideggerian standpoint. This reference to Heidegger is already problematic since his work has been at the center of an ongoing discussion that started up by the end...
A Negation of the Anarchy Principle
Alberto MoreirasTexas A&M University Volume 11, 2017 I go out far away from my home, as a hostage, without ever taking up habitation with you, nor ever being your guest, since you have no residence, but I also thereby fulfill my calling, which is to be at home no longer. Jean François Lyotard, The Differend. I Jean-François...
The Common and the Tragic Community: A Reading of Reiner Schürmann’s Broken Hegemonies
Maddalena CerratoTexas A&M University Volume 11, 2017 To think is to linger on the condition in which one is living, to linger on the site where we live. Thus, to think is a privilege of that epoch that is ours, provided that the essential fragility of the sovereign referents becomes evident to it. This assigns to...
Infrapolitical Reflection: Schürmann and the Existential Durchbruch
Humberto Gonzalez NuñezVillanova University Volume 11, 2017 Introduction Reiner Schürmann’s opening phrase to his magnum opus, Broken Hegemonies (2001), describes the book as “a contribution to the age old “doctrine of principles” (3). Upon perusing his entire œuvre, we identify a crucial focal point: the tension between existence and principle. According to Schürmann, the philosophical tradition has been primarily...
Paul Amar, The Security Archipelago: Human-Security States, Sexuality Politics, and the End of Neoliberalism. Durham: Duke University Press, 2013. 328 pages.
Brian Whitener University of Michigan Volume 6, 2014 Paul Amar’s The Security Archipelago: Human-Security States, Sexuality Politics, and the End of Neoliberalism (Duke, 2013) has received (well-deserved) attention for its interventions into political science discussions of security, into queer studies discussions of sexuality, and within the general academic humanities for its arguments concerning a transition from neoliberalism to...
Oscar Ariel Cabezas,Postsoberanía: Literatura, política y trabajo. Buenos Aires: La Cebra, 2013. 296 páginas. Sergio Villalobos-Ruminott, Soberanías en suspenso: Imaginación y violencia en América Latina. Buenos Aires: La Cebra, 2013. 302 pages.
Justin ReadUniversity at Buffalo Volume 6, 2014 Los debates corrientes en la teoría política latinoamericana—por lo menos desde los trabajos tempranos de Ernesto Laclau en los 1970s—se han centrado en la problemática de la hegemonía, un enfoque indudablemente exacerbado por la hegemonía efímera del Consenso Washington de los 1990s. El decolonialismo, por ejemplo, ha buscado vías de...