Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)

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Alessandro Fornazzari, Speculative Fictions: Chilean Culture, Economics, and the Neoliberal Transition. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh UP, 2013, 158 pages.

Matías BeverinottiUniversity of Michigan Volume 5, 2014 El libro Speculative Fictions: Chilean Culture, Economics, and the Neoliberal Transition (2013) de Alessandro Fornazzari es un aporte que sube la apuesta a la hora de hablar del pasado reciente chileno y sus continuidades en el presente. El ensayo tiene como objetivo entender o dar un panorama al cambio económico, político...


The Planetary Tension Between Orient and Occident and the Opposition Between Land and Sea

Carl Schmitt(originally published in revista de estudios políticos 81 (1955), 3-28) Volume 5, 2014 I. Approaching the tension between Orient and Occident that so unsettles us today, we encounter an indiscriminate mix of different kinds of conflicts, along with their respective claims of evidence: economic interests, sociological differences among elites, and spiritual hostilities. Each arena reinforces and...


Preface to “Planetary Tension Between Orient and Occident and the Opposition of Land and Sea”: reorderings and reorientations. [1]

John D. BlancoUniversity of California, San Diego Volume 5, 2014 Carl Schmitt published “La tensión planetaria entre Oriente y Occidente y la oposición de Tierra y Mar” for the Revista de Estudios Políticos in June 1955.[2] It represents a significant revision and translation of an essay he had earlier published in German, which appeared in a collection of essays...


La simultaneidad en la historia global

José RabasaHarvard University Volume 5, 2014 El arqueo-astrónomo Anthony F. Aveni concluye su contribución a la reproducción del Mapa de Cuauhtinchan núm. 2 (fig. 1) y recopilación de ensayos a cargo de Davíd Carrasco y Scott Sessions, en Cueva, ciudad y nido de águila, con las siguientes preguntas: “¿Era el MC2 un relato histórico enmarcado en un...


Nomadism and Just War in Fray Guillermo de Santa María’s Guerra de los Chichimecas (México 1575 – Zirosto 1580)

Rubén A. Sánchez-GodoyDedman College / Southern Methodist University Volume 5, 2014 In his essay “North America’s First Frontier” (1982), Phillip W. Powell argues that the end of the war that Spanish authorities and colonizers declared between 1550 and 1590 on indigenous groups that inhabited the region of Zacatecas in New Spain marked “the first failure of...


Schmitt and Foucault on the Question of Sovereignty under Military Occupation

Annmaria ShimabukuUniversity of California, Riverside Volume 5, 2014 1. A Violation or Production of Sovereignty? This essay examines the geopolitical underpinnings of Carl Schmitt’s well-known definition of the sovereign as “he who decides the exception” (Political Theology 5) mainly through The Nomos of the Earth (1950). It is in this later work, written after Schmitt had borne witness to the liberation movements...


De-centering Carl Schmitt: The Colonial State of Exception and the Criminalization of the Political in British India, 1905-1920

John PincinceLoyola University – Chicago Volume 5, 2014 If the work of Carl Schmitt can be seen as a nomothetic approach to international law and the inter-state system in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which in fact is concerned with the interwar period and the end of the liberal order—it is a Eurocentric view; it is...


The Return of the Pirate: Post-colonial Trajectories in the History of International Law

Amedeo PolicanteGoldsmiths college, University of London Volume 5, 2014 The centrality of the pirate figure for the development of Carl Schmitt’s theory of international law has not yet been subjected to systematic scrutiny.[1] Nevertheless, Schmitt was well aware of how his intellectual engagement with the pirate figure had shaped much of his thinking on international law. In...


From Lines to Networks: Carl Schmitt’s Nomos and the Early Atlantic System

Anna MoreUniversidade de Brasília Volume 5, 2014 The recent revival of interest in Carl Schmitt’s work on politics and sovereignty has not generally been extended to his 1950 work, Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Jus Publicum Europaeum [The Nomos of the Earth in the International Law of the Jus Publicum Europaeum].[1] This is perhaps not surprising: unlike...


Primitive Spiritual Accumulation and the Colonial Extraction Economy[1]

Daniel NemserUniversity of Michigan Volume 5, 2014 The discovery of gold and silver in America, the extirpation, enslavement and entombment in mines of the indigenous population of that continent…are all things which characterize the dawn of the era of capitalist production. These idyllic proceedings are the chief moments of primitive accumulation. (Marx 915) . . ....