Author: Gareth (Gareth Williams)

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Is There a Politics in Psychoanalysis?

Jelica SumicUniversity of Nova Gorica Volume 9, 2016 The Crisis of Negation According to theorists form a variety of intellectual traditions there is no question more burning today than the question of the way out, i.e. the possibility of a radical break with the existing state of affairs capable of initiating change within the late capitalist...


The Semblant and the Act

Rado RihaInstitute of Philosophy, Research center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts Volume 9, 2016 My departure point will be the problem of the indiscernibility between thinking and acting. How are we to understand this syntagm? When or, better, under what conditions, can we talk about the indiscernibility of thought and act? In my...


What Politics for Psychoanalysis?

Bruno MoronciniUniversità di Salerno Volume 9, 2016 Is Lacan a Marxist? Certainly not, he is a Freudian. And yet he maintained that it was Marx who discovered the symptom, not Freud. Without any doubt, however, he also maintained that Marx was the best sponsor of the capitalist’s discourse. So what do we do with Lacan: use...


Infrapolitical Action: The Truth of Democracy at the End of General Equivalence

Alberto MoreirasTexas A&M University Volume 9, 2016 I. Extroduction Jean-Luc Nancy refers to general equivalence, in his short book La communauté affrontée (2001), a bit counter-intuitively: “What arrives to us is an exhaustion of the thought of the One and of a unique destination of the world: it exhausts itself in a unique absence of destination, in an...


Phantasmagoria of the Thing: Aporias of the New Capitalist Discourse

Federico ChicchiUniversità di Bologna Volume 9, 2016 Liberation from a merely psychological point of view occurs by moving towards the recognition that the “collapse of the world” means the irruption, the advent of a ‘New Time’. (E. De Martino, La fine del mondo) 1. Phantasmagoria of the Thing 1.1. Capitalism as Commodification of the Living Capitalism...


Laclau with Freud, or the Path Towards Psychoanalysis as General Ontology

Paula Biglieri & Gloria PerellóUniversidad de Buenos Aires Volume 9, 2016 Introduction Ernesto Laclau developed his theory of hegemony in response to his concerns about some basic tenets of classical Marxism. In his eagerness to move beyond the essentialist ontology that had already assumed what the objective laws governing historical development were (who its leading subject...


The Scene of Politics in an Atonal World: Hegemony, Contagion, Spectrality

Laura BazzicalupoUniversità di Salerno Volume 9, 2016 Introduction: The Displacement of the Political A powerful injection of Lacanian theory in the study of political thought has paved the way for new perspectives in the analysis of today’s world and new tools for thinking political subjectivation. The outcome has been the formulation of a more complex, dynamic...


The Subalternist Turn in Latin American Postcolonial Studies, or, Thinking in the Wake of What Went Down Yesterday (November 8, 2016)

Gareth WilliamsUniversity of Michigan Volume 10, 2016 If you want, not to construct a theory, but to ascertain the condition in which man is actually placed, you will not ask yourself how it happens that the world is known, but how, in fact, man knows the world; and you will have to acknowledge the existence both...


“Tengo que gritarlo”: Historical Witnessing and Testimonio, Again

Lacey SchauweckerUniversity of Southern California Volume 10, 2016 I. Introduction In colloquial Spanish, tengo que gritarlo [I must scream it] conveys urgency: the need to amplify one’s voice in order to be heard, understood, and solicit a desired response. A literal scream, after all, is both audible and legible to those who indeed respond. Yet, within the testimonio debates of...


La (des)regulación política de la economía de mercado: Del liberalismo económico al neoliberalismo

César Ruiz SanjuánUniversidad Complutense de Madrid Volume 10, 2016 1. Introducción Los mercados han existido en prácticamente todas las sociedades históricas, pero la institución de la economía de mercado es un fenómeno histórico muy tardío, cuya emergencia se puede datar a mediados del siglo XIX. Fue en Inglaterra donde que se originó el proceso que dio...